Yesterday was one of the hardest days of my life. I cheated a little bit. My family made some chili and i had a spoonful and felt horrible afterwards. Drinking water and only water is hard. Today I went to the doctor and advised me that in his medical opinion my fasting isn't in my better interest. He asked me "Shai what are you tryin to do? What is your ultimate goal in doing this?" at first I was thinking about shedding some pounds and clearing my body of waste. But after thinking about it I've never been a quitter and have never given up on anything that I believe in. Now its about the focus on completing my goal and not getting sick and dying from it. My doctor advised me that he strongly suggests that I do no continue on with this fast.. He told me to wait atleast 3 to 4 weeks before fasting to allow my body to get back to 100% after my high blood pressure and ulcer. SO with that being said I'm taking my docots advice and discontinuing the fast. I feel like a quitter right now but he believes that with my past medical history and this recent incident that I am not in the condition to continue the fast.
Shai you're not a quitter. You are a very strong woman. Fasting isn't healthy, and could really throw your body into some major havoc. Why the fast? If it's about health, there are other ways, much healthier ways.