Monday, January 10, 2011

The Fast... Day 1

After doing some research over the past few days I've decided to start my "Fast" today. 7-days of water and juice (prune juice in particular) to cleanse my mind, body, and spirit. Get rid of the toxins in my body and relieve some pressure from my spirit. Clear body + Clear mind = Clear Spirit.

Yeah I know it sounds real nice don't it. I LOVE food... No seriously I literally LOVE food. Recently I was diagnosed with a Peptic Ulcer & High Blood Pressure both my doctor believes was stress induced. My blood pressure has since decreased and the Ulcer has healed. I as a mother was taking on entirely too much and started to take its toll on my body. I have 2 boys to live for and need to get my life and body back. Fluctuation in weight and stress levels is really taking its toll. Some fast for 30 to 90 days and all of that is cool but not I said the fat girl. lol. 7 days is all I really need considering my diet has already been modified due to the recent health issues...

So here we go The Fast... Day 1.

If anyone out there have any suggestions or questions please comment. Thanx    


  1. Anonymous10.1.11

    Hey sis while fasting don't focus on what you're giving up but instead what you will gain from the experience. Spending quiet time in prayer will help you and whenever you start to feel hungry, stop and pray that God removes your hungry for food and replaces it with a hunger for Him. Don't exert to much energy because you will be weak from lack of food and also make this about you and no one else. Much love and many blessings

    Ki Nicole

  2. Thank You Ki... Its been a struggle. Working on my oneness and self improvement on many levels while eliminating the stress and waste in my life. I appreciate the love.
